User interface text

How we talk to our users

User interface text

How we talk to our users

Antje Lorch

Site builder
biologist, scientific editor, political activist
Documentation WG, UX team
From documenting to fixing things

What are user interface texts?

for the developer

for the user

for the site builder, front end developer, translator, administrator, evaluator...

A default Drupal installation has more than 200 pages with UI texts.
UI texts are the words
that the developers speak
to the users.
Users don't see your functionality.
They see your words.
UI texts are important.
Therefore we have UI text standards. Not.
All summaries must be less than 80 characters, start with a capital letter, and end with a period (.).
They must provide a brief description of what [the element] does.

Drupal API documentation standards -standards

Reviewing with standards

  • All module descriptions must be less than 80 characters, start with a verb and a capital letter, and end with a period (.).
  • Together with the module name they must form a sentence that describes what the module does or what it allows the user to do.

Who do you talk to?

  • other developers
  • site builders
  • front end developers
  • translators
  • technical support staff
  • content creators
  • website visitors

Module description

site builders, developers, technical support

Help on how to use a Drupal site

visitors, content creators, translators

Navigation elements

Site builders, front end developer, site administrators, content creators, translators, evaluators

Performing tasks

Site builders, front end developers, site administrators, content creators, translators, evaluators

Error messages


Help pages

Site builders, front end developer

Help text on admin pages

Site builders, front end developer, site administrators

Specific explanations

Site builders, themers

Some hard-coded text

Forms & fields

Content creators, visitors

Fieldable entities

Site builders, front end developers

Different UI texts
have different purposes and different audiences.

Why do we need standards?

Photo by Arnold Reinhold

Developing UI text standards
  • let us have an discussion once,
  • get patches RTBCed faster,
  • allows other types of people to contribute,
  • provide consistency to users.

How do we get there?

UI text standards

How do we decide on them?

How do we get to using them?

Draft version:


  • #1399990 Submitted by...
  • #1649286 Cancel account button
  • #2977573 Cancel account UI texts
  • #2546116 Add comment
  • #2570985 Module descriptions
  • ? UI texts